We’re asking key members of the Renew Europe political group in the EU Parliament to mobilise their group to reject the list of fossil gas Projects of Common Interest in the upcoming plenary vote.

Tap the pictures below to tweet at Renew Europe politicians & ask them to show true climate leadership! 👇

Mr. Pascal Canfin is a French MEP and Chair of the Environment Committee of the EU Parliament. He’s an outspoken supporter of climate action, and the initiator of the Parliament’s recent climate emergency resolution.

Mr. Dacian Cioloș is a Romanian MEP, and leader of the Renew Europe parliamentary group in the European Parliament. As Renew’s chair, he holds significant influence over the group’s positions.

Mr. Morten Helveg Petersen is a Danish MEP, and the Vice-Chair of the EU Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy. In the Renew Europe group, his voice on matters of energy carries a lot of weight.

Why is this important?

Recently we celebrated a huge win: the European Investment Bank promised to stop funding fossil fuels! But there’s a loophole the Bank was forced to leave for fossil gas, and right now we have one last chance to close it.

Fossil fuel projects still eligible for European Bank’s money until 2021 are those on the special EU priority funding list, called Projects of Common Interest (PCI). This list now includes more than 55 fossil gas pipelines and terminals. 😡

But the list hasn’t been adopted yet. The European Parliament (EP) is about to vote on it in a few days. The good news is, they can reject the entire list in one vote.

The Renew Europe group in the EP sits on the fence – and could be the key to winning. Some of its members have vocally supported climate action before. They were behind the recent EU declaration of climate emergency. This is their first opportunity to go beyond symbolic actions, and use their voting power to bring real results. If the entire Renew group rejects the PCI list, we have a chance to kill 55 fossil gas projects with one vote. But that can only happen if the undecided MEPs are convinced.

Working alongside our partner groups and organisations, we’re now addressing key Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) who could swing what will be a tight vote.

If the PCI list is adopted, it means dozens of new fossil gas projects could get priority EU funding, and the Parliament will condemn us to decades more of fossil gas lock-in for the EU.

To have a chance of pushing Renew Europe before the crucial plenary vote, we’ve narrowed our targets down to 3 key influential politicians in the Renew group.

If these members of the EU Parliament know that their voters care and are watching closely, they might hesitate before giving the PCI list the thumbs-up – and even work to convince their colleagues that rejecting the entire list is the right move. We need to make them feel that their reputation could suffer if their group votes in support of fossil gas.

That’s why we’re taking to twitter: it’s where the MEPs and the media get their news. In twitter’s public and interactive forum our demands can’t be missed.

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