Earlier this week, over 15,000 people from across the region  marched in the streets of Lima making this the largest climate march in the history of Latin America. Regionally, climate change is seen as an environmental, developmental and human rights issue; thus  it was no coincidence that the march was planned for December 10 which marks  International Human Rights Day. Calling for a ‘System Change, Not Climate Change’ the march brought together numerous constituencies from across the spectrum demanding real and concrete actions to address the climate crisis. Groups marching included:  indigenous communities, farmers, workers, miners, youth groups as well as faith groups. This People’s Climate March in Lima comes on the heels of the recent massive People’s Climate March which took place in New York and reinforces the growing momentum for the global climate movement as we look towards 2015 when a global climate agreement should be signed in Paris.

 Below a series of photos showcasing the power, vibrancy and diversity of the march.


Indigenous communities at the forefront of the climate crisis led the march in Lima. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka

Indigenous communities at the forefront of the climate crisis led the march in Lima. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka


"Let's Save Lake Titicaca" reads a banner held by a woman traveling from the Andes region (border between Peru and Bolivia) calling for action to safeguard the largest lake in Latin America. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka

“Let’s Save Lake Titicaca” reads a banner held by a woman traveling from Puno in an  Andean  region  in the border between Peru and Bolivia calling for action to safeguard the largest lake in Latin America. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka


Thousands of workers from various labor unions also joined the march. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka

Thousands of workers from various labor unions also joined the march. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka


Youth showcasing the colourful artwork produced for the march at the art space run by Peruvian climate activist group TierrActiva Peru. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka

A group of youth showcasing the colourful artwork produced for the march at the art space run by Peruvian climate activist group TierrActiva Peru. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka


Women peasants from Central Latin America travelled from afar for the chance to put a spotlight on the environmental plights in their region. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka

Women peasants from the Central region of  Latin America travelled from afar for the chance to put a spotlight on the environmental plights in their region. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka


"Desde El Yasuni Para El Mundo." Indigenous environmental activists from Yasuni, Ecuador relay a message to the world for the urgent protection of the Yasuni Amazon region from oil drilling. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka

“Desde El Yasuni Para El Mundo ||  From Yasuni to the World” Indigenous environmental activists from Yasuni, Ecuador relay an urgent message to the world for the protection of the Yasuni Amazon region from oil drilling. Photo credit: Hoda Baraka

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