January 26, 2017

350.org on TransCanada re-submitting application for Keystone XL pipeline

Washington, DC — Following Donald Trump’s executive actions earlier this week, TransCanada Corporation re-submitted its application for the Keystone XL pipeline to the U.S. Department of State. In response, 350.org Executive Director May Boeve issued the following statement:

“Trump may not deny this pipeline application, but the people will. Just hours after he signed executive actions on  Keystone XL and Dakota Access, thousands of people took to the streets in protest — and tens of thousands more have pledged to resist these projects from here on out. TransCanada should know by now that our movement will never let this or any other climate-wrecking, rights violating pipeline be built. Application denied!”


Contact: Dani Heffernan, [email protected], (305) 992-1544
