June 15, 2018

350.org reacts to IPCC 1.5C report leak

In response to yesterday’s leak of the upcoming IPCC special report on 1.5C, which offers a more robust picture of what the contents of the report will be when released in October, Hoda Baraka, 350.org Global Communications Director, released the following statement:

“A half degree increase in global mean temperatures constitutes the difference between life and death for people, communities and ecosystems. That is what the leaked draft of the IPCC report on 1.5C has confirmed. Governments should stop dawdling and must instead act rapidly and radically to keep the world from warming over 1.5C.

This means steering clear of imaginary silver bullets, such as geo-engineering, and instead phasing out all fossil fuels now, proactively and aggressively supporting a rapid and just transition to 100%RE and implementing nature-based solutions to reduce the CO2 already in the atmosphere.

We still have an opportunity at hand to achieve this, though narrowing. If politicians are not standing up to this defining challenge, people will continue to lead the way instead, starting by joining the Rise for Climate mobilisation on and around the 8th September”

Media Contact

Claudio Magliulo, 350.org, [email protected]

