September 19, 2023 Responds to Biden’s No Show at Vital Climate Summit

“The UN Climate Ambition Summit in New York represents a key moment as we look towards securing decisive action at the UN Climate Talks in December (COP28) and beyond. President Biden’s decision not to attend is a betrayal to those who have rallied for him and a missed opportunity for him to deliver on his climate commitments”. 

“As 75,000 people marched through New York on Sunday September 17 and thousands more flooded Wall Street today, demanding climate action, it is a disgrace that President Biden is skipping the Climate Ambition Summit. The President is dodging accountability to UN Secretary General Guterres by refusing to halt new fossil fuel projects and rejecting Guterres’ invitation to be a  climate leader and back up his words with substantive action. Biden’s inaction reveals how he shamelessly continues to sacrifice some of the most impacted Black, Brown and Indigenous communities in service to an energy strategy that continues to privilege oil barons over those on the frontlines”.

Jeff Ordower North American Director
