June 23, 2015
Contact: Karthik Ganapathy, (347) 881-3784
Following a vote in the United States Senate to fast-track the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, Executive Director May Boeve issued the following statement:
“We’re outraged that Congress today voted to fast track pollution, rather than the job-creating clean energy we need to address climate change. It’s clear this deal would extend the world’s dependence on fracked gas, forbid our negotiators from ever using trade agreements in the fight against global warming, and make it easier for big polluters to burn carbon while suing anyone who gets in the way. That’s why we’re so disappointed President Obama has taken up the banner for ramming this legislative pollution through the halls of Congress, in a way he never pushed for a climate bill.
“The truth is: climate change isn’t going anywhere, and it’s getting worse every day. At some point, our leaders need to hear the millions of voices in this movement, decide to get serious about the problem, and stop working against us through legislative channels that accelerate fossil fuel development and close the doors to solutions.
“Our movement will fast track resistance to the fossil fuel industry and their vassals in government to do what Congress clearly won’t: keep unburnable carbon underground and global warming below catastrophic levels.”
Today’s vote comes one day after President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency released a detailed study outlining the financial costs associated with failing to address the climate crisis.