June 14, 2019

Australia paves way for the Adani Coal Carbon Bomb

Approval by the Queensland Government of the groundwater management plan for the Adani coal mine paves the way for construction to start on the controversial coal mine.

“Australia cannot afford to unleash anymore carbon into the atmosphere. Every tonne of fossil fuels burned makes an immediate contribution to the quantity of CO2 in the atmosphere contributing to long term and irreversible climate change. The nation is already experiencing ferocious bushfires, widespread droughts and deadly heat waves that are being exacerbated by climate breakdown.  The campaign against the Adani mega mine is crucial to make staying under 1.5°C possible.” Glen Klatovsky, CEO of 350 Australia.

The Adani mine is the first of many proposed new coal mines in the Galilee Basin, an as-yet unexploited coal basin that sits above some of the most important groundwater resources in Australia. Not only is the approval of the Adani mine’s Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Management Plan a fraught travesty of political convenience, but it also raises huge concerns over the cumulative damage that other prospective mines may cause

“Today, as the state of Queensland remains in drought, the world is waking up to the scale of the climate crisis, it is time for our leaders to take immediate action. We will be fighting every step of the way against this coal mine and there is still a huge amount that can be done to stop it. ” he concluded.

Contact : Glen Klatovsky, acting CEO, 350 Australia on +61 410 482 243. Authorised by Glen Klatovsky, CEO, 350 Australia, Sydney. Correspondence in regard to any authorised material can be sent to: [email protected].Australia paves way for the Adani Coal Carbon Bomb
