October 16, 2020

350.org on the tragic passing of WE ACT Leader Cecil Corbin-Mark

New York, NY — Today, WE ACT for Environmental Justice, a leading organization fighting injustice, racism and the disproportionate impacts of pollution and impacts on frontline communities in Harlem, New York and beyond, announced the tragic passing of Cecil Corbin-Mark, the organization’s Deputy Director and Director of Policy Initiatives.

On this heartbreaking news, Tamara Toles O’Laughlin, 350.org North America Director, issued the following statement:

“Cecil Corbin-Mark was a wise, unrelenting, and compassionate leader with a vision for environmental justice. His energy for thriving community led him to public service and a life of advocacy for equity and inclusion in the political space that touches where we live, work, play and pray. As one of many who had the privilege of calling Cecil a brother in the movement, I am heartsick over his passing. In this moment of our society’s great turning, it’s devastating to lose a real life crime fighter like Cecil. He will be deeply missed. Our hearts are with Cecil’s family, as well as Peggy Shepard, WE ACT Executive Director, and the entire WE ACT community.”

