April 25, 2017

“From Truth to Justice” Peoples Climate Week of Action Events

Washington, DC — Saturday’s March for Science kicked off a week of action dubbed “From Truth to Justice: Earth Day to May Day 2017.” The strong showing of the Science March is a momentous beginning to this week of action that will feature over 50 events, culminating on April 29th with the Peoples Climate March, a mobilization for climate, jobs, and justice. 

Key events:

Tuesday, April 25:

Wednesday, April 26:

Thursday, April 27:

Friday, April 28:

Saturday, April 29:  PEOPLES CLIMATE MARCH

Sunday, April 30:

Monday, May 1:


For the full week of action schedule from PCM, visit: peoplesclimate.org/week-of-action

For more information on overall April 29th logistics, visit: peoplesclimate.org/logistics

Contact: Lindsay Meiman, +1 (347) 460-9082

