April 20, 2021

350.org on Re-introduction of the Resolution for a Green New Deal

Washington D.C. — Today, Representative Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Markey, and other congressional and movement allies re-introduced the Resolution for a Green New Deal and introduced a Civilian Climate Corps bill. The latter will create a Civilian Climate Corps to employ a diverse group of 1.5 million Americans in five years to work on clean energy, climate resilience, environmental remediation, conservation, and sustainable infrastructure projects.

350.org Policy Director Natalie Mebane said in response:

“Today, our movement presented a vision for our future: one that staves off the worst of the climate crisis and centers communities in a just transition to a regenerative, people-centered economy. On the eve of Biden’s Climate Summit, this is the bold, transformative climate action we need. We are calling on Congress and the Biden administration to implement the Green New Deal, ensure a Just Recovery from the racial, health, climate, and economic crises, and #BuildBackFossilFree.”


To learn more about the campaign to #BuildBackFossilFree, visit: https://buildbackfossilfree.org/ 
