Edmonton, AB – Upon hearing that Teck Resources Ltd. pulled its Frontier Mine project application, Emma Jackson, an organizer with 350.org based in Edmonton, issued this response:
“Make no mistake, Teck abandoned the Frontier project because people are standing up to demand real climate action. This is a chance for Canada to come together and start building a Green New Deal. In its letter, Teck mentioned the need for a real climate plan in Canada, and we agree. But instead of pushing fossil fuel projects that divide our communities and only benefit a wealthy few, our government needs to commit to a rapid, just transition that respects Indigenous rights, supports working families by creating millions of good unionized jobs and gives Canada the best chance it has to meet our global climate commitments.”
Amara Possian, Canadian Campaign Director with 350.org added:
“Justin Trudeau should be embarrassed that Teck Resources Ltd., a massive fossil fuel company, recognized the tide turning against fossil fuel expansion before his government. Whether it’s Teck Frontier, Coastal GasLink or TransMountain, history will not be kind to politicians or corporations who ignore these projects’ impacts on Indigenous sovereignty and our climate.”
Cam Fenton