(Washington D.C) On the day “historic” rainfall flooded the White House basement, Donald Trump claimed “tremendous success” on environmental policy, despite all known facts, in a flurry of statements recasting total opposition and continued rollbacks as national excellence in combating pollution. Flanked by his two senior environmental officials — former fossil fuel lobbyists, Trump appeared unfazed by the reality of his administration’s actions targeted to undermine the future, and ignored no less than 80 rollbacks on decades of hard-won environmental protections. A combination of convenient omissions and misleading statements marked Trump’s speech, which included incorrect estimates on what the Green New Deal would cost and no recognition of the United States’ current status as the second largest carbon emitter in the world.
The following is a statement from 350.org’s North America Director Tamara Toles O’Laughlin:
“The irony of Donald Trump giving a speech on his “environmental record” would be laughable except that it provides cover for his campaign of misinformation and environmental devastation. Adding to the absurdity of today’s speech is the notable silence on climate change, while the District of Columbia floods in yet another day of extreme weather. Beyond the spectacle, he continues to prop up the fossil fuel industry and the executives making their fortunes by cashing out on the future. This administration is singly focused on reviving the dying business of massive crude oil production and no amount of propaganda changes that. The only thing that fossil fuel production has delivered on is severe and certain climate disaster. While claiming to ‘love solar’ in his remarks, the Trump administration’s tariffs on solar panel imports have led to massive job losses in the renewable energy sector. The speech was brimming with untruths and inconsistencies, demonstrating no awareness of the moral and existential imperative to protect the nation from the climate crisis.
“Any contender looking to unseat this administration in the next election must reject this toxic rhetoric and demonstrate a commitment to ending fossil fuels and the handouts that support them. It’s time for a Green New Deal for people and planet that creates millions of well paying jobs in a livable, 100% renewable economy.
“The Trump administration has demonstrated no interest in being an ‘environmental leader.’ It’s time to meet the threat of revisionist history, predatory policy making and outright lies. We are committed to standing up to the racist dog whistle, the pomp and circumstance, and the waste of precious time to fight the climate crisis.
“Yesterday’s show of rhetoric provides another reason why we support the global mobilization for real climate action on September 20, 2019, because every one of us is under threat by climate devastation and lack of meaningful engagement. In the face of an Administration that manipulates the truth, we must raise our voices and take back the future. We’ll do so by walking out on business as usual this Fall and demanding real leadership on climate that uplifts genuine solutions from local statehouse to Capitol Hill.”
Press Contact: Monica Mohapatra, U.S. Communications Specialist, [email protected]