October 5, 2018

We Said No: 350 statement on Lancashire fracking news

London, UK — Today fracking company Cuadrilla announced that fracking will begin at the Preston New Road site in Lancashire next week, the first commercial fracking operation in the UK for seven years.

Anna Vickerstaff, 350.org’s Senior UK Campaigner commented:

“Fracking is a toxic industry. It threatens our health, landscapes, communities and climate, and has been rejected by the people of Lancashire. Today is a devastating day for this community on the frontlines of fracking, and for people around the world whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by climate change.

“But there are reasons for hope. People power and local action has kept this industry at bay for over seven years in the UK. Cuadrilla’s actions will only inspire more people to join the movement, determined to stop fracking from spreading.

“So while our friends are jailed for peaceful protest, and our government tries to trample local democracy to force through fracking, we are not defeated. We must continue to oppose fracking wherever the industry threatens communities, and to stand with the people of Lancashire as they continue their fight.”


Contact: Ellen Gibson, 350.org UK Divestment Network Coordinator, [email protected]
