January 15, 2016

Natural Resources Minister Confirms No New Pipeline Review Rules Coming in Time Kinder Morgan Review

Winnipeg activists “search and seizure” at Natural Resources Minister’s office to find new rules comes up empty
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Winnipeg, MB – At 11:00 this morning a group of Winnipeg residents, supported by global climate change campaign 350.org, entered the office of Natural Resources Minister Jim Carr to serve a “People’s Search Warrant” demanding to see the details of the new National Energy Board (NEB) pipeline review process promised by the Liberals on the campaign trail. The Minister, in his office for meetings, confirmed that no new pipeline rules exist, and that the Kinder Morgan pipeline review would go forward under the rules laid out by Stephen Harper.

“Without new review rules that consider climate change, listen to communities and respect Indigenous rights, this government is breaking it’s promise to the people to stop using Stephen Harper’s reviews to approve tar sands pipelines” said Mitchell van Ineveld, a Winnipeg student and climate organizer at the University of Winnipeg. “As one of Minister Carr’s constituent’s I’m beyond disappointed in my Member of Parliament and Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources.”

The action took place ahead of plans for a “People’s Injunction” starting next week. Actions are being planned across Canada to demand the cancellation or suspension of the NEB reviews of the Kinder Morgan Trans-Mountain pipeline and Energy East pipeline..

“This government can’t meet its commitments on climate or Indigenous Peoples rights and push forward with pipeline reviews that ignore climate change, community voices and the duty to consult with Indigenous peoples,” Clayton Thomas Muller, Stop it at the Source Campaigner with 350.org explained. “Since the Minister confirmed they don’t have a new process here today, they should cancel these projects before the Kinder Morgan hearings start on Tuesday.”



Alex Paterson: 204-298-2250, [email protected]  

Cameron Fenton : 604-369-2155, [email protected]
