The final month of recruitment for the Rise for Climate global day of action on September 8th has kicked off. And all over the world local groups are taking to the streets to spread the word.
People in San Francisco and New York took a one-on-one approach and went door-knocking and headed out flyering (and sometimes brought a friend):
Yesterday I was feeling pretty overwhelmed by, well, all the things. So Penny & I took a break from screens and handed out some #RiseNY flyers to fellow New Yorkers. Community is everything!#WhyWeRise #RiseForClimate
— Lindsay Meiman (@lindsaymeim14) July 26, 2018
Some organisers in Manilla grabbed attention with dinosaur costumes and giant QR codes:
There was an ‘Artivism’ workshop in South Africa, harnessing the power of art to spread the word and inspire:
A collaborative effort which showcases #artivism in its essence. We become environmentally conscious through awareness. The more aware we become, the more we can do.#RiseforClimate #RiseForClimate #RiseArt #riseart #350org #350Africa
— 350 Africa (@350Africa) July 21, 2018
And in the same spirit Team Ghana are using posters from the Rise for Climate art project to catch peoples’ eye:
You can download a set of beautiful Rise for Climate posters by artists from 6 continents here or even generate your own with the Rise for Climate poster-maker
And everywhere in the world people are taking to social media and sharing their own story about why we’re Rising for climate.
I’m going to #RiseforClimate, Jobs and Justice on September 8th because the climate crisis is here and it’s time to act for a better future.
Rise with me and the thousands of others fighting for a just world.— Asmaa Hanafi (@AsmaaHanafi1) July 29, 2018
Wherever you are in the world, and however much time you have, you can help build momentum towards Rise for Climate on 8 September. Here are 5 things you can do to spread the word.
There are already over 200 events planned worldwide, find out if there’s an event near you — and if not, there’s still time to get organising!