One of the major movement efforts underway in the U.S. right now concerns a comprehensive reform of the immigration system. Our Board of Directors issued the following statement of solidarity today:

We stand in solidarity with our movement allies who are working towards comprehensive reform of the U.S. immigration system. This is a just and moral cause that affirms the fundamental equality of all people and we support it wholeheartedly. We do this in the spirit of true solidarity, knowing that the struggles for immigrant rights and climate justice are intimately linked.

From working with our partners around the world, we know that migration itself is increasingly a climate issue. Many people who have come to the U.S. in recent decades were fleeing impossible hardships at home, including hardships caused by weather-related disasters linked to climate change.

Upon arriving in the United States, immigrants all-too-often find themselves on the front lines of environmental racism, living dangerously close to dirty refineries, power plants, and mine sites. For decades, these communities have led courageous fights for clean air, land and water – and through their victories have kept uncounted tons of carbon and other greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.

We are committed to supporting these crucial, front-line struggles and that means supporting immigration reform. Existing unjust laws keep millions of undocumented immigrants in the legal shadows, a place where fighting for the basic right to a clean environment can lead to prolonged incarceration and deportation. With comprehensive reform, these silenced voices will be liberated to grow louder and more forceful, making us all safer in the process.

Immigrants to this country bring a fresh and global perspective to our environmental challenges, as well as much needed political power. Together we can build a stronger, more resilient society, one that is capable of responding to the threat of climate change and to the opportunities for a fairer, cleaner economy. At we believe that respecting the Earth’s limits and unlocking the limitless potential of all people go hand-in-hand. We look forward to strengthening our alliances in the months and years to come.

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