I’m writing this from Japan, and I’ve got news to share: the world is waking up to the climate crisis.
Next week, the leaders of the 8 richest countries in the world will meet here in Japan for the annual “G8 Summit.” This year, the climate crisis is at the top of the agenda-and we have a rare opportunity to hold our world leaders accountable.
Help us send a message to the G8 that it’s time to lead on climate change.
The 2008 G8 negotiations can just be another round of empty climate promises-or they can be the first steps on the road to a safe global future. When it comes to setting the world on a path to 350 and a safe climate, we want the smartest, the fairest, and the fastest ways to get us there. We can’t allow our leaders to drag their feet — we have to tell them to start right now.
I came to Japan two weeks ago to see if 350.org could make some allies to build a global movement. What I discovered is that this movement already exists — here in Japan there are teachers, politicians, grassroots organizations, artists, families, and activists of every kind who are doing everything they can to tackle the climate crisis.
There is a global movement building-now we need to unite to make our voices heard.
Unity. That’s why we’re linking up with some of our close partners — Oxfam and Avaaz — to send our message to the G8. Together, we can send a strong call that the G8 must begin negotiating a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that will lead to 350. Avaaz and Oxfam will help us make sure your message reaches Prime Minister Fukuda and the G8 leaders next week.
Please join us by signing the petition and sending it on to family and friends. With your help, we can grow this movement and send a powerful call at the same time. Forward this e-mail to 10 friends today.
After the G8, we’re looking forward to creating ever bigger and bolder actions with you all-this movement is just getting started.
Jamie Henn and The 350.org team: Bill, Jeremy, Jon, Judit, Kelly, May, Phil, Will