All too often, the climate crisis is described in the abstract, through charts and graphs and reports. These analytical tools can be useful for communicating the basic science, but they often fail to make the scale and stakes really hit home.
At, we believe in the power of visuals and storytelling to show the global warming for what it is: a dangerous crisis that is affecting millions of people every day. Today, we’re spotlighting two amazing projects that drive this point home.
The first is called RISE, and it’s using audio-visual “web stories” to document how climate change is affecting coastal communities — here’s a potent video about a family, their farm, and a legacy worth preserving:
The second project is called “Sandy Storyline“, and it’s a new collaboration of MIT Center for Civic Media, in partnership with, Occupied Stories, and a growing number of media makers, storytellers and people like you. It’s a powerful document of the storm’s aftermath, and of the resilience of the communities left in its wake.

Head on over to to add your story and help drive the climate crisis home.
Finally, if you have stories of your own local climate impacts, the Connect the Dots Tumblr is a great way to share them — check it out and submit your photos and stories here.