This post was written by US Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon:

Dear Friends,

Here on Capitol Hill the halls of power have been shaken by the resistance to Donald Trump’s terrifying agenda.

And on April 29th these halls will shake again when the Peoples Climate March thunders through the streets in Washington DC. Over 100,000 people are saying they’ll attend in Washington and over 250 sister marches are planned across the country.

We’ll need that energy because that same week Senator Bernie Sanders and I are launching the most ambitious piece of climate legislation Congress has ever seen — legislation that will completely phase out fossil fuels and transition our country to 100% clean renewable energy by 2050.

This bill won’t go anywhere without you. This march is how we build momentum for 100% renewable energy for all and push back on Trump’s fossil fuel agenda. Congress won’t do their part until you do yours.

Will you join us to take part in this historic moment?


I wrote this legislation with my colleague Senator Bernie Sanders to help answer the call from millions of people like you who are demanding bold solutions to address the climate crisis. This legislation isn’t designed to solve the crisis on its own, but to put forward a clear way to end the primary driver of global warming: our addiction to fossil fuels.

But it’s your voice, not ours, which will be the deciding factor in whether this vision becomes reality. If our colleagues in Congress see hundreds of thousands of people uniting around this vision, they’ll be much more likely to adopt it themselves.

Sign up here to come to Washington, D.C. and help us launch this new vision for our country.

When the people lead, politicians follow. Together, we can make the goal of phasing out fossil fuels by 2050 this generation’s moon shot: an inspiring vision that brings our nation together, instead of pulling us apart.

I hope you’ll join me, Bernie Sanders, and hundreds of thousands of people in Washington this April 29th to shake the halls of power again, and begin the journey to 100% clean energy for all.


Senator Jeff Merkley

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