School climate strikes that have swept across the world are in full swing in Germany. The movement, also known as #FridaysForFuture, was inspired by the Swedish student Greta Thunberg and has been spreading rapidly across the world.

Just this past Friday, young people from Uganda, South Africa, Nigeria, Finland, the Czech Republic, Italy, Sweden, the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Colombia, the Faroe Islands, and many other places, came together to strike for stronger action on climate change. The students are fighting for a world without climate chaos. “We are not going to stand by and watch as the climate and our future are destroyed before our eyes!”


Students in Berlin attend a climate strike during the UN Climate Talks in neighboring Poland.


Students from Fridays for Future Deutschland are calling for more school strikes on upcoming Fridays. And this time, they are going big. Please share this video by Fridays for Future so that more people hear about it.

On Friday 18 January 2019, thousands of students and climate activists will protest in more than 40 locations around Germany (link in German) for climate action that is both ambitious and fair to future generations, which includes a fast coal phase-out.

On Friday 25 January 2019, taking place at the same time as a crucial meeting of the country’s coal commission, a central climate strike will start at 12pm in front of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy in Berlin. This strike will directly address the members of the coal commission. More than 1,000 students are expected, with students traveling to Berlin in buses from all over Germany (link in German).

These students welcome any support we can give them. An adult who took part in the last school strike in Münster summed up her reason for joining the movement in one sentence: “It was us who messed things up, after all!

Show your solidarity with the young people of the world striking for the climate – follow #FridaysforFuture on social media and amplify their calls for real action. And think about starting or supporting your own climate strike where you live by checking out this useful resource.


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