Tell Total’s shareholders: drop EACOP!

Right now,  shareholders of the French oil giant Total are gathering at its Annual General Meeting. These companies have power over what Total does this year.

They want the news from this meeting to be good. Not about the exploitative, climate-wrecking projects they let Total get away with. Like the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), which is having terrible impacts on communities in Uganda and Tanzania.

This makes them vulnerable to public pressure right now. Join the social media storm and share testimony from the communities EACOP affects. Expose the truth about Total and their shareholders– Crédit Agricole, Axa, Amundi and BNP Paribas! ✊ Join us! ✊

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Our ready-made posts link to the testimonies of people affected by EACOP as given at the People’s Health Tribunal.

1. Send a tweet

Make sure you use #blocageTotal and #StopEACOP in all your posts.

Tweet one of these messages to shareholders now. Just click the links below.  

Tweet 1: Stop exploiting people & the planet!

Tweet 2: #StopEACOP & all fossil fuel projects

Thanks for posting!

2. Share our post on Facebook

  1. Go to our EACOP video on 350’s Facebook page.
  2. At the bottom of the video, click the option that says “Share”
  3. Click “Share now”
  4. Make sure you use #blocageTotal and #StopEACOP in all your posts.
  5. The post is shared! Thanks for taking part.

3. Share our post on Instagram

  1. Go to 350’s Instagram post about EACOP.
  2. Firstly, click like by tapping the heart.
  3. Then click share (the arrows at the bottom left of the post) and add the post to your story.
  4. Make sure you use the hashtags: #blocageTotal, #StopEACOP & #PeoplesHealthTribunal and tag the shareholders – @creditagricole @axafrance @myamundi @bnpparibas.
  5. Hit the “Your stories” button in the bottom right.
  6. You’ve shared! Thanks for taking part!

4. Create your own

If you’re here, we’re assuming you’re a bit of a pro when it comes to social media, so we’ve included fewer step-by-step instructions. If this seems too much, take one of the easier options above!

Example Instagram posts:

Download this video to your device, and share to Instagram.

  1. ⚠️ Fossil fuel giant @totalenergies continues to make billions whilst exploiting people and the environment in Uganda and Tanzania.
    ❌ But we won’t let them get away with it. 

    We stand with people resisting in Uganda, Tanzania, across Africa and around the world. 
    @creditagricole @axafrance @myamundi @bnpparibas – 🤔🛢️at this year’s general shareholders meeting #AGM2023 will you put people before profit, #StopEACOP and all fossil fuel projects?
    ➡️Listen and share these powerful testimonies from people affected by Total’s destructive East African Crude Oil Pipeline. Let’s keep the pressure on. 💪#BlocageTotal #PeoplesHealthTribunal
  2. People before profits! The #PeoplesHealthTribunal shines another spotlight on the health, human rights and environmental exploitation experienced by people in Uganda and Tanzania at the hands of @totalenergies.➡️ Listen to their powerful testimonies and share this post. Let’s keep the pressure on Total, its shareholders and its financiers to stop the East African Crude Oil Pipeline and all fossil fuel projects.#StopEACOP #BlocageTotal #AGM2023

Example Facebook posts:

Download this video to your device and share to your Facebook Feed. 

  1. ⚠️ Fossil fuel giant @TotalEnergies continues to make billions whilst exploiting people and the environment in Uganda and Tanzania. ❌But we won’t let them get away with it.
    We stand with people resisting in Uganda, Tanzania, across Africa and around the world.@CreditAgricole @axa @AmundiOfficial – 🤔🛢️at this year’s general shareholders meeting #AGM2023 will you put people before profit, #StopEACOP and all fossil fuel projects?➡️Listen and share these powerful testimonies from people affected by Total’s destructive East African Crude Oil Pipeline. Let’s keep the pressure on. 💪
    #BlocageTotal #PeoplesHealthTribunal
  2. People before profits! ✊ The #PeoplesHealthTribunal shines another spotlight on the health, human rights and environmental exploitation experienced by people in Uganda and Tanzania at the hands of @totalenergies.Listen to their powerful testimonies and join us in making noise during the fossil fuel giant’s shareholder meeting #AGM2023.Let’s keep the pressure on Total, its shareholders and its financiers to stop the East African Crude Oil Pipeline and all fossil fuel projects.#StopEACOP #BlocageTotal

Example Twitter posts:

Download this video to your device and share to your Twitter Feed.

  1. #PeoplesHealthTribunal shines another spotlight on the destructive impacts of @TotalEnergies’ East African Crude Oil Pipeline. ⚠️👇
    🤔🛢️@CreditAgricole @AXAFrance @Amundi_FR @BNPParibas – will you stop exploiting people & the planet for profit?
    #StopEACOP #BlocageTotal
  2. Hey @CreditAgricole @AXAFrance @Amundi_FR @BNPParibas, listen to people affected by @TotalEnergies’ destructive East African Crude Oil Pipeline. 👇
    🤔🛢️At the #AGM2023 will you put people before profit & #StopEACOP & all fossil fuel projects?
    #BlocageTotal #PeoplesHealthTribunal
  3. ⚠️ @TotalEnergies continues to make billions exploiting people & the environment in Uganda & Tanzania – we won’t let them get away w/ this.
    👀 & share the testimonies from those affected by the East African Crude Oil Pipeline.👇 #BlocageTotal #StopEACOP #PeoplesHealthTribunal

Want more? You can also share posts from the #BlocageTotal Twitter storm

