Over 1,000 people joined a massive protest Saturday In Portland, Maine in what was billed as the largest protest yet against the possibility of tar sands oil being piped through the region. After a speak out at Monument Square the crowd marched to the Maine State Pier overlooking the port where Tar Sands would pass if this pipeline plan went forward.  The demonstration on the Pier was to staged to form a symbolic wall of opposition to Keep the East tar sands free. Speakers included front line community organizers, activist from across the region, Portland’s Mayor Michael Brennan and Maine Congresswoman Chellie Pingree, who announced her opposition to the plan and called on the Obama administration to do a full environmental review of any attempts to pump tar sands through this pipeline. 

David Stember from 350.org who opened the rally said, “Our goal here today is to put the powers who think they can make this pipeline decision behind closed doors on notice. Whether it’s the National Energy Board deciding on Enbridge’s plan to bring tar sands into Montreal, or President Obama who can stop the Exxon / Portland Montreal Pipe Line segment of the project, by denying it a new Presidential permit.  The voice of the people will be heard: this is our water, our land, our homes, our climate and our future. and we say NO to dirty tar sands oil.”

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