As the governments from around the world head to COP24 to decide the “rulebook” for sticking to the Paris Agreement, the IPCC report has already made it clear that we can limit warming to 1.5˚C if we act rapidly now. The true test of COP24 is: does it advance us on the path to limiting warming in line with what science and people everywhere are demanding?

If you’re in Katowice, join us for these events at the Climate Hub! You can connect with the team and the Fossil Free network at the actions and spaces below.

If you can’t make it to Katowice, you can support us and follow events online and share the big moments on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Tuesday 4 December

  • 6:30pm in Bug, Room 2: Reclaim Power: The Global People’s Movement to Phase Out Fossil Fuels for Real Climate Action

Friday 7 December

  • 11am: Presentation – “Prospects for Spaceship Earth”
  • 12pm: Presentation – “On a hope in the hopeless times”

Sunday 9 December

  • 10am: Presentation on the Artivism during Polish Climate Camp: “The World After the Ecological Disaster. New Utopias.”

Monday 10 December

  • 8pm: What Youth Climate Leadership looks like? Stories from Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia

Tuesday 11 December

  • 10am: 100% Renewable Energy Transition in the cities of Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia: The Future is Now
  • 7pm: Green Talks in Climate Hub

Wednesday 12 December

  • 4pm: From One Island to Another video followed by People’s 1.5C discussion panel

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
