Tell Your MP:
Stop fuel poverty
for good

The energy crisis is still set to have devastating impacts this winter and into next year. Without further urgent intervention, millions will still be left to go cold, hungry or both.

This crisis won’t solve itself. Fossil fuel prices are expected to remain high for years to come. UK homes are some of Europe’s leakiest, meaning it costs us more just to keep warm.

We can’t afford to wait any longer to deliver real solutions to our energy crisis.

That’s why we, as part of the Warm this Winter coalition, are calling on the Chancellor to adopt common sense solutions to our energy crisis. We demand:

      • Better financial support to those in need
      • Nationwide home insulation
      • Renewable energy expansion
      • Ending oil and gas dependency

Your MP can put pressure on Jeremy Hunt to stop mass misery this winter.   

Over 240,000 of you have already signed our petition. Now, it’s vital we ramp up parliamentary support to make sure our new Chancellor steps up to the challenge.

Write to your MP today and call on them to urge the Chancellor to stop mass misery this winter.

We’ve prepared a template letter for you to use, but more personal messages can make a big impact. If you’re able to, you could make your email more powerful by writing in your own words, and telling your MP about your own experience of the current crisis and what it means for your local community.
