In September, the UN Secretary General will host the Climate Ambition Summit in New York– the first climate summit holding countries accountable to committing to phase out fossil fuels.
Representatives from all levels of governments are attending, including President Biden, who has the power to end the era of fossil fuels. In the lead up, we are mobilizing our local and state elected leaders to sign on to our demands on the President and ensure they pledge their support to hold Biden accountable to his climate promises. We must end the era of fossil fuels NOW to avoid the worst of the climate crisis. Join us! Here are a few actions you can take to get your representatives on board.
"Hi, I am your constituent living in your area. With the recent wildfires and floods, we can no longer afford to ignore the climate crisis and the role fossil fuel companies play in causing climate destruction around our country. As an elected official, you have the moral obligation and responsibility to protect our country. This is why I am asking you to publicly pledge your support and demand President Biden to phase out existing fossil fuel projects and stop any new fossil fuel development. Thank you,"
Whether they are your mayor or councilors or state representatives, they have the power to influence President Biden to phase out fossil fuel. This is why we are organizing activists like you to meet with your representatives to amplify our demands on President Biden. We’ve prepared a toolkit and support for you, all you had to do is to meet up with them in real life! Once you fill out the sign up form, one of our organizers will be in touch with you.
Pressure them on social media
We’ve drafted a sample message for you, all you have to do is click!