April 28, 2020

 Response from 350.org to St Petersburg Dialogue

Global — The first major climate ministerial meeting of the year, the Petersberg Dialogue [link to speeches here] – was held online for the first time due to the current pandemic. May Boeve, Executive Director of 350.org urged governments to make firm commitments to a global just recovery. 

May Boeve, Executive Director of 350.org said:

“Despite promising statements, The St Petersburg dialogue did not result in firm commitments to a green and just recovery. The climate crisis has not taken time off so our response to the COVID-19 pandemic must also be up to the challenge of climate breakdown.

This pandemic has upended climate diplomacy and climate meetings until next year but countries, especially major emitters, must continue working to deliver strong commitments on climate ambition this year that put the world on a 1.5C degree pathway. This must go alongside efforts to regenerate economies and social welfare measures. In fact they reinforce each other – it’s possible to make economic recovery measures that put people and the planet first.

The choices being made right now will shape our society for years, if not decades to come. Solutions for economic and social recovery must centre on principles of justice, care, community-empowerment and international solidarity for the safety and long-term resilience of the most vulnerable. The choices must put people first, and accelerate our action against the climate crisis. We need a truly interconnected global approach which first and foremost invests in the safety and health of all people.”
