
Last December Crip Moorey attended a Real Deal March in Kyoto when COP15 was happening in Copenhagen (his photo above).  Now, ten months later, Crip is getting to work with a group of volunteers on an acre of land in Hunshu Japan to plant a food forest and put together a Solar 'PV' array of 10 recycled 250W modules. The electricity that this array will generate will power the home and facilities of the stewards of this food forest while they get to work. 


Message from Crip & Kazumi Moorey, stewards of 'Guibi Seko' Forest Garden:

On just over an acre of until recently abandoned farmland in the middle of Japan's main island of Honshu, Japanese and resident foreigners will be planting the first trees and bushes of a new 'food forest'. The establishment of food forests is a recent development of the ancient practice of forest gardening. As well as aiming to reforest this small area, in the long term we hope to provide supporting evidence of the viability of forest gardens as a sustainable use of land that not only provides a great variety of food crops but also increases bio-diversity and improves the health of the land in general. More than 68% of Japan is forested, making it one of the most densely forested countries in the world. Japan's forests are, however, increasingly being abandoned and many of the monoculture forests planted for their timber during the post war years, no longer economically viable due to cheaper imported timber, are struggling to re-establish themselves as diverse ecosystems.

Friends and volunteers will also be putting together a Solar 'PV' array of 10 recycled 250W modules on 10/10. The electricity that this array will hopefully generate will power the home and facilities of the stewards of this food forest while they work on and experiment with the ecosystem that is being created. Facilities for friends of the project and interested parties will in the future include temporary accommodation and a workshop.

We sincerely hope that this weekend will serve to raise awareness of the aims of while also promoting interest in the concept of food forests to the Japanese public.

In solidarity with and wishing all 'work parties' the best of luck and successful events.

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