Shortly after President Obama announced his rejection of Keystone XL, we launched a “Thank You Card” to the #noKXL movement to thank everyone who made this victory possible.
Thousands on thousands of messages have been sent — beautiful, heartfelt, and ready for more victories together.
Here are 100 of those messages that paint the picture of the gratitude and excitement that is out there in the movement after this important victory:
“Thank you to the marchers, the indigenous leaders, phone-bankers, the banner makers, the artists, the email blasters, the rally cheer-leaders, the ranchers, the union supporters, the seniors and the students, Thank you to the movement leaders and visionaries and the bus organizers and riders. Thank you to those who were arrested and to those who supported! We have a hard-won symbolic victory in this life-long struggle. We have the passion and the power. To change everything we need everyone. Onward and Upward!” Deirdre A. – New York, NY
“Hope is a thing we build together. Thank you for your courage to build hope while others were trying to build pipelines. May this be just a beginning.” Marla M. – Arlington, MA
“It’s been a tough four years and many of us spent many long hours campaigning and knocking on doors. We’ve worked so hard and the victory lies with those who fought against KXL being built through their land. My heart goes out to them and I thank them for enduring the worst of it on the front lines. Thank you everyone. And thank you President Obama.” Anthony . – Springfield, VA
“A million special thanks to all the First Nations people and farmer landowners who worked tirelessly to prevent the Keystone XL Pipeline. Hurray!!!” Sylvia G. – Concord, MA
“Activism is hard – thanks for taking a stand and doing the hard thing that was right. ” Isabella S. – Saint Paul, MN
“Speechless. Weary. Teary. Grateful. Hopeful. Activated. Grateful.” Shira W. – , MA
“YES! YES! YES! AWESOME!! Thank you so much!! Someone in Oklahoma appreciates you!” Tracy S. – Salina, OK
“I commend your bravery and hard work. The fight is surely not over, but you’ve gotten us over a huge climate change hurdle. I thank you for the world’s children, who will hopefully still be able to live long and prosperous lives on this planet we call home. ” Kimi M. – Basalt, CO
“Struggle is long but hope is longer!” Anna F. – Kensington, MD
“Thank you for allowing my children and I to be a part of something that – I truly believe has made history and will be much talked about in the decades to come. Onwards and upwards!” Virginia B. – Charlottesville, VA
“I teach environmental history at a Wisconsin university and am thrilled that I will be able to share with my students this great example of how ordinary people can take action to make a difference in shaping a better world!” Christine D. – La Crosse, WI
“Thanks to everyone, especially those courageous people who got arrested! This is your victory. ” Nicki H. – Fargo, ND
“With deep appreciation for the time, energy, and courage it took to defeat this potentially devastating Keystone pipeline, I am truly grateful. Thank you for fighting the good fight! ” Marsha D. – Louisville, KY
“Words can not express the gratitude & pride that I feel knowing that our solidarity & persistence has made this historic moment a reality. This is a huge victory for those of us concerned about the future of our planet and its sustainability. Of course we can expect the opposition to increase their attacks , lies & misinformation. But we have proven that when we stand United, we can defeat the Climate Deniers!! ” Rose S. – Dallas, TX
“What a victory! Let’s keep going!” Kimberly S. – Springfield, NE
“A hearty “thank you” for your time and commitment. We all benefit–and we know it’s not over yet, so keep the faith.” M K. – Mount Pleasant, SC
“Many of you have taken risks and made sacrifices to put your bodies, minds and futures in the way of the Keystone XL pipeline, If I could I’d want to thank each and everyone of you who has stood up to the Oil companies and the government, for the sake of all of us, our kids and our planet.
Well done, you are, now and forever 21st century heroes. Onwards to Paris!” Neil R. – , Scotland
“As one of the more than 1250 arrested at the White House in Aug of 2011 I stand with all my brothers and sisters who have waged a peaceful battle in solidarity for a livable planet.” John A. – Drumore, PA
“Together we have REAL power. This is only the beginning.” Malena M. – Petersburg, AK
“Thank you for your passion.” Bonnie R. – Payette, ID
“I am ecstatically in tears right now, tears of joy and gratitude for all the hard work everyone put in to oppose this terrible project. We win! We win! Now fight on for more victories over fossil fuel extraction and burning!” Monica H. – Oak Park, IL
“When people unite to make a strong statement, it is much more likely to bring the desired result. We did it! Thanks so much to all who spoke up loud and clear.” Elizabeth T. – Pensacola, FL
“I am grateful for all the love in peoples hearts that calls them to action for natures rights, human rights, justice, and just plain good intelligence. I could go on forever. Hurrah all you brave and striving ones, may we win our world for future generations together.” Premilla N. – Highfalls, NY
“This isn’t the only good news in our fight against the dirty energy incumbents, but it’s the best news. This was hard fought and it feels fantastic. It didn’t have to be this way. We could’ve worked with the fossil fuel industry. They knew the truth. But instead they mocked us, and they lied, and they turned it into a zero sum game. It was their choice to make, but it’s our victory to savor this time. Rejecting Keystone is ultimate expression of rational thought and leadership. We demand change and government follows, not the other way around. You are the people who made it happen. Don’t stop. Don’t get cocky. So much is left to accomplish.” Michael B. – Los Angeles, CA
“Your relentless action, awe-inspiring activism, and deeply grounded optimism are keeping oil in the ground! And the rejection of KXL will invariably prove to be a keystone moment of extra large proportions in this courageous and beautiful journey as more and more come to realize how vital it is that we truly respect and nurture Mother Earth as she so generously does for us!” Thom H. – Sausalito, CA
“To those arrested, to those who marched, to those who raised their voices, to those who wrote letters, editorials, op ed pieces… to each one of you: may you be blessed as you work to save our planet. With endless gratitude.” Michael N. – Houston, TX
“What a thrill–we are on a roll now. On to Paris and beyond!” Kathryn A. – Salt Lake City, UT
“It’s because of YOUR courage and hard work that Obama was FORCED to reject Keystone XL. YOU deserve all the credit on this!” Fai B. – Buffalo, NY
“Special thanks for the brave first nations people, whose stamina and common sense was so crucial for this success. Thanks to all who walked the talk.” Birgitt F. – Greenbelt, Md, MD
“Wado (thank you) No XL Pipeline on treaty lands” Dave K. – Townsend, GA
“Without the efforts of thousands of just normal everyday citizens, XL would still be moving forward. Thank you all!” John E. – Boulder, CO
“Thank you for making this a priority–you have changed all of our lives, world-wide, for the benefit of all.” Karla L. – LaPorte, CO
“You are awesome” Max W., England
“Thanks to everyone who came together over many months and even years to put a stop to this! We all know there is a better future for energy, as well as for our lives across the planet because of it!” Suzanne B. – Minneapolis, MN
“Biggest thanks to the organizers of the small groups all over the 2 countries who fought the most against Keystone! If not for them, this movement would not be where it is now. It’s easy to join in, but very hard to lead when your followers are few at the start. Now there’s a base for groups to join together in a movement. Thank you to the leaders!!!” Nancy H. – Kenmore, WA
“While the entire process involved anxiety and stress, what kept us all going was the dedication and commitment of everyone who never gave up and kept it going. Thank you seems an insufficient expression, but thank you it is.” Lynn N. – Stratford, CT
“Thanks so much to EVERYONE who put themselves on the front lines of this fight. I thank you, my children thank you, and my grandchildren thank you!” Gina B. – Westlake Village, CA
“From the smallest to the largest sacrifice, THANK YOU to all for your help in encouraging President Obama to reject the Keystone XL.” Margaret K. – Reston, VA
“The canary in the coalmine just croaked. This is HUGE! Thank you to every single person who’s stepped up along the way, from the indigenous communities who launched this fight, thorugh to every person who ever signed a petition or shared on FB.” Louise H. – Oxford, England
“I simply can’t thank you enough. As a 26 yr old, my top fear is a world destroyed by climate change. Everything you’ve done to make this happen not only made my future brighter, but more importantly the future of every generation after mine. I express all my thanks, care, and gratitude with all the world today for your actions.” Christian W. – Doylestown, PA
“I almost gave up and stopped signing because I despaired of ever realizing success in shutting down the pipe line. Thank all of you so much for your fidelity and for endangering your lives and health in support of the health of the human race and the end of pollution of our endangered planet.” Renee B. – O’Fallon, MO
“Thank you for your persistence, your time and your boldness to face all the power and politics you were up against. From my family and the generation to come we send a heart-felt thank you.” Patty H. – Walnutport, PA
“Thanks goes out to All who helped make this possible. It was a lot of fun collaborating and being part of such a strong group of supporters so dedicated to the climate movement!! CONGRATULATIONS!! ” Laverne E. – Hollister, CA
“100 years from now, people will be proud of you.” Martha T. – Fairfax, CA
“Thank you for everything that you did to keep this movement going and lead it to victory. Your willingness to tackle the seemingly impossible task is truly inspirational. I honestly did not think we could succeed, but fought anyway knowing without trying the battle was already lost. Together a movement of unprecedented proportions has been built and I am so proud to have been a part in some small way. This has helped show that by banding together we can make a difference and stand against the power of big oil. Thank you for your contributions, large and small! ” Bridget H. – New Haven, CT
“Thanks for helping to save a little more of the planet. Much more needs doing, but this shows we can win! I’ll keep doing what I can to get more victories, like writing against the Baaken Pipeline in Iowa.” James E. – Storm Lake, IA
“I hope you realize how much this means to me, and all of us. All of your dedication, sacrifice and persistence will continue to provide positive returns in the years to come. I can’t thank you all enough for your efforts!” Carl R. – Belmont, CA
“Thank you. Environmentally we are a step ahead with this decision. Thank you First Nations for your persistence. And Nebraska. And President Obama for finally taking the step. ” Sally M.
“Thank you so much for your determination, time and effort in fighting Keystone XL and persuading the president to reject the project, which I’d thought would never happen. Your passion is inspiring, enough to quell my longstanding cynicism about the reign of fossil fuels. ” Christine S. – Arnold, MD
“Thank you for making the impossible, possible. It gives up hope that we still have a fighting chance to take on climate change! You all are our real super heroes.” Nicholas J. – Ann Arbor, MI
“Thank you for believing we the people can create positive change with direct action and for putting your feet in the street doing civil disobedience risking arrest. You give me hope! Grassroots activism can win for the People and Nature against anti-environment corporate projects even with their unlimited funding.” Andrew C. – Boulder, CO
“Thank you, from me and my daughter who has asthma. ” Rhona S. – North Potomac, MD
“having grown up in Alberta, and having relatives in Athabasca, my heart has been breaking for the past several years…. thank you all for what you have done, and I do believe the fight will continue in the next few years. I KNOW we will again be victorious, because we MUST be…………… you are all my heros. love, Shelby Phoenix” Shelby P. – Snohomish, WA
“Thank you SO MUCH for all your dedicated effort, intelligence, understanding, skill, and courage in standing up for what’s best for us all. ” Roger T. – Vashon, WA
“Because of you, we can believe. We can build upon your example. We have the kind of hope that is authentic – and we know it is up to us. THANK YOU!” Kathy W. – Las Cruces, NM
“I am grateful to everyone who joined me in the fight against the KXL pipeline. I am so glad this day of celebration has arrived! We should take this victory and run with it. We must all step up the fight for our planet. Today, we know we can win. ” Larky H. – Phoenix, AZ
“One step back away from the abyss. Thank you to all who helped to reject the Keystone XL debacle. ” Mike S. – Durango, CO
“you are my comrades in peaceful arms. We were in the rain, in jail, in that freezing February morning. You sat in trees, you orated before your vestries, you moved your money. And the mighty God of Creation moved through you. Thank you thank you thank you.” Rose B. – Washington, DC
“Who would have predicted this outcome 5 years ago? The impossible became possible in a world that you are helped to change in a fundamental way. Now let the floodgates open on economic and raciAl justice!” Chris C. – New York, NY
“We are so grateful for all of your time, passion, and energy that you have dedicated to defeating Keystone XL!!! Thank you so much!!” Tracy B. – Boerne, TX
“I hope the courage you have shown in this fight will encourage more leaders and citizens to step up and demand action to prevent accelerating climate change. I thank you, and my grandchildren thank you.” Jim N. – Lyme, NH
“Being an activist takes courage, time & grit– It might not be very original, but *Thank You*!” Kye S. – Denver, CO
“The battle isn’t over yet, but this is a massive kick to the gut for the fossil fuel industry…well done, one & all !” Pete K. – Pleasant Hill, CA
“I am so happy that we have finally stood up to big oil and that the government is finally listening to the people. Look what can happen when we all pull together to make our voices heard!” Judith M. – Oak Park, MI
“Thank you to everyone–every last one of you –those who marched, wrote letters, made posters, made phone calls, met in small groups, signed petitions, were arrested, and, in short, took years out of your “regular” lives to protest further environmental destruction pollution and serious health effects of tar sands extraction and transportation. Thanks all of your hard work and contributions protesting climate injustice and standing firm against further climate chaos. All of us, standing together, doing everything we can, nwo have humanity’s last chance to prevail on a planet-wide scale to stop climate change.” Barbara B. – Montpelier, VT
“With deepest gratitude, Thank You for all the marches, letters, petitions, speeches, hopes, fears and prayers that it has taken to stop Keystone XL. ” Irene V. – Chicago, IL
“We marched. We sang. We sat. We were arrested. It worked. We did it! ” Jesse T. – Seattle, WA
“4 years ago my mother and I sat down in front of the White House to ask Obama to reject the KXL. My mom was arrested and held in jail for 72 hours and I had never been prouder of her. Thank you to everyone who kept this movement going. ” Marygrace K. – Milford, PA
“You not only stopped Keystone, but helped people begin to understand and respond positively to the problem of climate change. People, towns and businesses are getting the message and making changes every day. It is beginning to snowball. Thank you. Be proud of your accomplishments.” Brad C. – West Topsham, VT
“Brave folks who sat in and were arrested — I salute you!” Margaret M. – Sparta, NJ
“For my grandchildren who may be able to grow up in a world fighting against climate change…and winning! My heart is brimming with joy!” Debbie D. – Malden, MA
“Thank you for believing then showing it was possible. WOW. This is huge. ” Jeff R. – San Marcos, CA
“Thank you Fran and Jim and everyone else who was arrested in front of the White House! That was the moment I knew this movement was unstoppable. ” Mark S. – Lexington, MA
“Thank you, everyone who spoke, wrote, marched, got arrested, testified, put themselves on the line in court cases, refused to accept TransCanada’s offer of eminent domain, etc.!! Yay!!” Barbara D. – Lincoln, NE, NE
“It was a long struggle but we never gave up. Thanks for leading the way.” Gay T. – Duluth, MN
“Thank You FIRST NATIONS for your perseverance, courage and the will to fight for Our Mother Earth!” Yolanda A. – Whittier, CA
“To the many who held strong against formidable odds. We were successful because we locked arms together!” Bill H. – White Salmon, WA
“YAAAAS this is super important. Hearing all of these voices speaking out against something that could affect our futures is simply inspirational. ” Hannah W. – Saint Paul, MN
“As a part of this great movement I feel honored to say thank you to all who participated. Thanks for your courage and hard work.” Sheila M. – Asheville, NC
“Mahalo nui to everyone who just kept going.” Annette K. – Kailua, HI
“Thank you for saving our state of South Dakota!” Wes G. – Sioux Falls, SD
“Yayyyyyy!!!!! This is great news! I am so glad that our president cared enough to do the right thing! And thanks to everyone who never stopped (and will never stop) fighting!!!” Kelly A. – Atlanta, GA
“Thank You! We have shown that the power of the people still exists in the US. With enough collective action and exchange of knowledge, we can make real changes and stand up to entities that do not have the public interest in mind. Great job!!!!!” Lindsay C. – Denver, CO
“Thank you for caring–and for being there the times I couldn’t be.” Stephen P. – Ithaca, NY
“We make the road by walking and today we have reached a great milestone. Thank you!” Francisco B. – Reading, PA
“What a great thing to have been a small part of this amazing movement! Thank you to all who we stood and marched next to. We did it!” Shari H. – Laguna Woods, CA
“Thank you for taking a stand for our present and the future. The energy created over the last 4 years has made a difference. This is what success looks like! Each and every one of you are AWESOME!!! ” Pat B. – Las Vegas, NV
“You’ve fought a just fight and won. It gives me hope. Thank you” Adriann D. – San Francisco, CA
“Thank you for turning your beliefs into action.” Jorge R. – Houston, TX
“Hell yes! Your dedication to this important issue has made history, and sets a precedent for Presidential action on future environmental issues. What a beautiful example of how sustained pressure from a coalition force can raise awareness and action on issues – ONWARD!” Monica W. – Oakland, CA
“True courage, vision, persistence and love of the planet and humanity have won the day. Thank you to all who stood up! ” William D. – North Royalton, OH
“It seemed to have taken forever, but WE DID IT!! Of course, our work is far from over, but at least, as of today, my nieces’ future is a bit brighter. ” Jessica C. – New Albany, IN
“Thank you for your unwillingness to despair!!! You have lifted me up.” Mary R. – Roslindale, MA
“Amazing work by everyone who has worked so hard to stop the XL pipeline. As a person who grew up in Montana just south of Alberta, I am so relieved that this pipeline will not happen. Thank you!” Julia M. – Denver, CO
“And a special thanks to the First Nations in North America for your centuries of struggle to protect the land, water, air and all our relatives on whom we depend. ” Monica U. – Pittsburgh, PA
“Thank all of you who, liked me, joined together at the White House 4 years ago and started the ball rolling to today’s historic decision. ” Alexander B. – New York, NY
“Long-delayed but superb victory! Congratulations to all the activists who kept up the fight and combated the lies.” Richard S. – North Brunswick, NJ
“What you have done is gigantic. My deepest thanks for enduring in your resistance.” Betty D. – Hiawatha, IA
“The tide is turning and now we may see real change. Credit to the individuals and organizations who continue to speak truth to power.” Jane B. – Chapel Hill, NC
“I am so proud to be a part of this movement and to have stood and marched with so many dedicated people. Thank you to all those who helped organize this movement.” Wayne Z. – Towson, MD