This is a letter written by our friend Charles Scott, who is cycling from NYC to Washington DC right now. Thanks, Charles! You’re amazing. Join us and take a stand against the Keystone XL pipeline tomorrow:

Dear Friends,

Starting around midnight on Friday, November 16, I will attempt to cycle 300 miles solo in about 36 hours from New York City to Washington, D.C.  I have never attempted to ride a bicycle so far in such a short period of time and do not know if I’ll be able to manage it.

I’m attempting this ride to support, an environmental group hosting Do the Math events around the country that highlight the connection between climate change and the increased intensity of recent extreme weather events like Superstorm Sandy.  I’ll attend the Do the Math event in New York City on Friday evening, November 16.  Immediately after, I’ll begin riding through the night from NYC to DC in order to participate in a rally on Sunday, November 18 to encourage the U.S. Government to deny the permit request for the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.  For background, see Bill McKibben’s Rolling Stone article.

If I leave NYC at midnight, I’ll have about 36 hours to make it to the DC event.  Please wish me luck and share this note with others, if you support what I’m doing.

Finally, although Sandy is long past, many people are still in need.  If you would like to help, Deposit a Gift has partnered with the New York Foundling to provide support specifically for children affected by the storm and is donating an extra 4% for every contribution:  Deposit a Gift is an excellent fund raising resource based in NYC and has sponsored my previous charity rides – I’d recommend them for any kind of fundraising/crowd funding need:



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