This past weekend, students from all over China came together for the first-ever youth organized conference on climate change and energy. This event, put together by one of our closest friends, the China Youth Climate Action Network, provided youth leaders with workshops, lectures and field trips, to educate and empower. You could feel the energy in the room, as the future leaders of China found new ways to make their voice heard, and new reasons as to why their voice is so important. And for the entire weekend: 350 was on the tip of everyone’s tongue. Future leaders from all over China, from Xi’an to Qingdao, were talking about their plans for October 24th, and their excitement about being part of a rising global movement. incredible organizations, like the Green Long March, talked about how they’re takign the lead on making October 24th a day that highlights all the important work Chinese youth are doing for the environment. Once the youth of the world are united, a clean, peaceful world is just around the corner.

Inspired by the idea that a little creativity can go along way, a group of students helped 350 to make this temporary art installation, made from disposable chopsticks. And people took notice! They began to realize that October 24th is going to be a day of creative action, and they started thinking about new ways to spice up their own actions. From recycled art projects, to musical peformances: ideas that are "outside the box", will be sure to grab people’s (and the media’s) attention on October 24th, and to get new leaders involved in the growing climate movement. All the fancy advertising campaigns in the world can’t stand up to a truly "people powered movement". On October 24th, lets show the world we are in this together.

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