Check out this great coverage of actions spreading across Asia, by Richard Graves, one of our friends @ TckTckTck. Jason Mogus and Steve Rio of TckTckTck are with us in-person in the NYC bunker supporting the day of action! (Getting ready to broadcast your photos on the massive screens in Times Square!) Really appreciate being a part of this with you guys!
All across Asia, 350 events have been going on for hours. Volunteers and organizers for the International Day of Climate Action met the rising sun with a startling diversity of actions and events. Pacific Islanders, living on some of the places most threatened from climate change, came together to call for 350 and the survival of their homes and countries.
Students in China, Japan, and Korea, provided an inspirational example of international cooperation, as they all hosted events on their campuses and in iconic places calling for 350 from their leaders. Supporters of 350 marched in Kazakhstan, students spelled out 350 in schools all across India, and even US troops in Afghanistan setup a 350 action. It has been inspirational to watch actions stream in from across a region that is so essential to any global response to climate change. Words don’t really do it justice, so take a look at a few of the images that have come in.
The Long Green March in China:
Students in Tamil Nadu, India:

In a region that spans the developed and developing world, the most populous countries on earth and some of the smallest, people turned out in countries big and small. While political strife and security challenges divide many asian countries, inspired supporters of 350 showed that citizens all across Asia are united in calling for strong action on global warming. As more than half the world’s population lives in Asia, having so many strong supporters of climate action is changing how the regions is addressing climate change and this is reflected in the evolving positions of countries like Japan, India, and China, all of which have strengthened their climate proposals over the last year.
US Troops in Afghanistan:

350 march in Almaty, Kazakhstan:

I am currently in Seoul and I just got back from the 350 action at the Ddukseom market, where 60 youth leaders with the UN Environment Program’s Tunza network have been connecting with the thousands of people at the market about 350 and why it is the most important number on earth. I met with high school students, who despite the fact that they study six days a week, until 10pm every day, are working hard in their almost nonexistent free time to make their schools more sustainable, develop renewable energy, and provide an example of leadership to other campuses. Inspired by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, they were so excited to see people all across the world supporting a fair, binding, and ambitious global UN climate treaty.
The author with UNEP Youth supporting 350 in Seoul, Korea:
This post was originally published on the TckTckTck Campaign Stories Blog!