Support for’s mission to get our climate back on track is exploding all over Twitter! Conversations about and the International Day of Climate Action (Oct. 24th) have been happening on Twitter for some time now. Only recently, though, have scores of people stepped up to show their support for 350 by adding the 350 icon to their Twitter profile picture! We think this is a great way for getting the word out – and wanted to take a moment to shine the spotlight on all the awesome supporters, organizers, and team members who have added the 350 icon so far.
Are you on Twitter? You can show your support for 350 too by adding a 350 Twitter Badge here! A new tool called Twibbon makes it super easy — Just click "Show my Support."
Without further ado, you guys rock!:
@AdamBandt @agent350 @AnneEmu @anneenna @AppleCider94 @AustenLC @AveryHalfon @bendtracy @BenWessel @CanvasDreams @CarbonNetting @CarolineClimate @christineirvine @claudiascout @ClimateChangeOH @climbhikeski @creativegreeniu @dealhippie @dmwolford @dougoju @fine_jewelry @gjdenk @h3art1st @iainpringle @Kenhiatt @kg @LaurenWu @LevonSP @liemtruong @mariehere @mayboeve @memoryflower @mogmaar @Nataly_42 @NoosaGreens @nselegzi @Oleg326756 @pava @PDXWindPower @philaroneanu @PremiereLeague @RedArmyLFC @Shelldude @smattoon @sortagay @steph_sfo @supluis @sustainableshel @sustyapps @takingcare @thecitizen @twentyandnine @waterbottlex @weaddup @wedreamgreen @willsyd
And a special shout out to Pablo Díaz of Uruguay (@retruco) – for creating the Twibbon campaign!
Looking for more news & updates on Twitter? Follow @350. Founder Bill McKibben is also on Twitter (@BillMcKibben) and so are a growing list of regional & local Organizers. You can also get the latest news and updates from the media team via @350buzz.
For a live stream of people sharing, Copenhagen, and Climate news aggregated from multiple accounts, check out — Thank you Stephan Osmont (steph_sfo) & Cyril Moutran (@mocy) for mashing this together!
With less than 50 days until the Oct. 24 International Day of Climate Action, it’s key that we keep getting the word out on Twitter and other social networks so everyone knows how they can get involved and make our collective actions count. We have a great opportunity to use our online networks to inspire on-the-ground actions on Oct. 24th. How will you mobilize your network to save the planet?