“First they ignore you, then they try and publish bogus studies to discredit you!”
Yesterday, a new report against fossil fuel divestment came out. When I started seeing tweets about it, I checked out their website and saw this:
Besides the fact that the report is commissioned by the fossil fuel industry, there’s a lot of other reasons it’s pretty bogus.
If you want to get into it the financial ins and outs – check out our release about it.
And here are 6 tweets from 350’s Jamie Henn that lays things out too:
– Here’s that study to check out –> read here
Also – just going to include this recent tweet from a Wall Street Journal energy policy reporter about plunging stocks of oil companies:
Want to learn more about the global divestment movement? Well, good news is we have an a huge weekend of action coming up Feb 13-14 (yup that’s this weekend) that’s happening on 6 continents, in over 50 countries. Learn more about it from this great animation.
Then check out www.globaldivestmentday.org to join!