We’re profiling movement on our blog today. You can check out a post I put up earlier about a 350 mile walk that’s being planned in Northern Oregon for the week leading up to October 24. An hour or so after that post went up, I got a call from Jeff Hyland in Southern California who is beginning to think about doing a bike ride for the October 24 International Day of Action.

Jeff’s got experience: he completed an epic ride across the entire Southern US to collect environmental perspectives from the region. As Jeff describes it, “Endure over mountains, deserts and flat tires with Jeff Hyland and Mike Tryon as they find out where our country is at when it comes to a world of environmental change.” Check out Jeff’s videos on Vimeo or watch the first in the series below, and start thinking about what sort of ride you can do this October.

Southern Tier Episode 1-1 from Jeff Hyland on Vimeo.

And if you needed more inspiration, check out another team of riders in California who are planning a 350 mile ride from Northern California to San Francisco. They’ve put together a great blog to track their progress and may even convince me to get out of the office on a training ride one of these days. Or take a look at some of our awesome 350 Athletes, including Mountain Biker Adam Craig, the Clif Bar Cyclocross Team, and cylcists Tom Danielson, Heather Irminger, Ted King, and the Davison Sisters.

It’s not just US riders that are getting involved in the 350 Movement. Our partners range from Critical Mass riders in Eastern Europe to the Bangkok Cycling Club. I’ve heard rumors of a 350 Bike Ride around Angkor Wat in Cambodia, students riding down the streets of Hanoi, and even more.

Cyclists Unite!

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