Our intention is that after the walk our groups will keep sharing this story with people all across North America.  Before you leave, design ways that you can come back to your communities and organizations to retell this story to as many people as possible.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Plan an Event.  Reach out to groups in your neighborhood who are holding outdoor concerts, small festivals, and organized educational events to see if you can become part of the schedule.

  • Get in front of your Chamber of Commerce, your local Rotary club, your town government and share this story.

  • Reach out to your local paper.  Send them images and quotes while you are on the walk.  Call them while you are on your way home.

  • Use social media.  Blog about your experience or ask someone to blog FOR you!

  • Further support First Nations.  Create an effort that offers an “on ramp” for local community members to directly benefit their legal battles to protect their treaty rights.
