Bonjour tout le monde!  We have some exciting news from France, where our friend Jean and his association TACA have just completed a great event for the climate movement and spurred the 350 excitement in and around Bordeaux. Jean has done a series of ever growing Picnics Without Carbon in collaboration with, and this was the biggest yet.

Over the weekend, TACA set out to answer the question, "Sommes-nous stupides?" or "Are we stupid?"  The goal, through community engagement and organizing, was to prove the answer, "No!" The highlight of the day, according to Jean, was a performance of Facteur 4, a play demonstrating through art and acting the need to cut emissions by a factor of 4 in France.  Participants also got to sample great French cuisine, and gather for this beautiful 350 photograph with 500 bicycles in the center!  And of course, everyone got to enjoy riding carbon-free to and from the event.

The team in Bordeaux is also making plans for the 24th, when they’ll post 350 ideas to fight global warming at the entrance to the city with a bit of fun and fanfare.  Jean and his team continue to be an inspiration to us at as they combine the best sense of the ideas of community with a strong sense of national and international climate policy.

If you’re a French speaker, read on in this good summarizing article, or if you want to see how google translate is coming along in their proficiency, check out the English translation of the article here.

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