We don’t tend towards competitiveness here at 350, but if we had to pick one US city that’s really ramped up for October 24, the prize would go to Boston. This may come as no surprise: Boston and Massachusetts generally are hot-beds of local sustainability, progressive politics, and community activism. We’re just glad to know that part of that local movement’s energy is dedicated to widespread and meaningful events for October 24.

There’s even a physical hub for 350, at the “JP Greenhouse” (JP stands for Jamaica Plain, a neighborhood in Boston). Our good friend Ken Ward and his family are renovating an old home to be ‘zero carbon’–and zero carbon is the best way we know of to get back to 350.

This coming Thursday, Bill McKibben will speak in Jamaica Plain. Check it out if you’re reading this and you live nearby! More details follow:

Bikes Not Bombs & The JP Forum present: Bill McKibben

This Thursday, May 28th
7:00 – 8:30 PM
English High School Auditorium, Jamaica Plain
Contact: Jasmine Laietmark 617-522-0222 x106
BUY TICKETS ONLINE NOW! www.bikesnotbombs.org/mckibben
BNB Bike-A-Thon Riders: $5 All Others, Sliding Scale: $7 – $20

Bill McKibben, best-selling environmentalist author of, The End of Nature, and other 11 other works notably,  Hope Human and Wild,   Deep Economy, and Fight Global Warming Now, is one of the most important voices today in the realm of environmental sustainability.  McKibben, is an unabashed activist, and one of the founders of  the 350 Campaign, his presentations and writings challenge the fundamentals of current economic thinking centered around the mantra of “perpetual economic growth.”  McKibben undeniably makes a case for a paradigm shift wherein our prosperity need not be at odds with our environment.

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