We just sent the message below to everyone on our USA list. Not signed up to receive emails yet? Sign up here:www.350.org/signup
Dear Friends,
First, a kind of tough news update:
Just a few hours ago, our friend Tim DeChristopher was sentenced in federal court in Utah to 24 months in prison for his creative act of civil disobedience protesting new gas and oil leases. The sentence is outrageous—the government charged him with financial fraud, as if he’d done what he did to make a buck, not a point.
We assume the intent was to send a message: don’t try to interfere with the all-powerful fossil fuel industry. But instead of meekly complying, we need to do just the opposite.
It’s time to stand up and help defuse the largest carbon bomb on the planet:
Today, we’re urging you to help block a fossil fuel disaster—the kind of disaster that Tim showed such courage in opposing.
The proposed Keystone XL Pipeline, if built, will carry oil from the tar sands deposits of Alberta all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico. Why do we oppose the Keystone XL? Because those tar sands are the second-largest pool of carbon in the world. As NASA scientist James Hansen said, any substantial tapping of the tar sands means it’s “essentially game over for the climate.”
So we’re fighting back by joining a coalition to to take on the tar sands on two fronts:
1) The Petition
Today, 350.org is launching a petition aimed at President Obama, because he alone gets to make the call on the pipeline. He has to sign—or not sign—a “certificate of national interest” before the pipeline can be built. The U.S. Congress can’t get in the way—so we’re calling on President Obama to step up and display the kind of leadership that so many people expected when they voted him into office. If we reach our goal of 35,000 signatures, we’ll arrange a high-profile delivery in Washington DC. Please sign on today: www.350.org/take-a-stand
2) The DC Action
We’re also spreading the word about a civil disobedience campaign that’s taking place this August in Washington DC. The effort is being spearheaded by Bill McKibben, Naomi Klein, Danny Glover, Wendell Berry, Tom Goldtooth, and more. Already, the organizers say, 1,200 people have signed up to risk arrest in front of the White House. The civil disobedience campaign isn’t being coordinated directly by 350.org–it's a separate effort. Of course, your involvement in the action should be your own choice, and you can get all the info you need at www.TarSandsAction.org
All our thoughts today are with Tim. As he said in the courtroom today:
"The people who are committed to fighting for a livable future will not be discouraged or intimidated by anything that happens here today."
Let's prove Tim right. The best way to deal with the bad news of his sentencing is to honor his vision and take action for a livable future: www.350.org/take-a-stand
Jamie Henn for the whole 350.org team
P.S. Only a huge groundswell of citizen opposition can help plug the tar sands pipeline–can you take a minute to share this campaign with your friends on Facebook or Twitter?
P.P.S. We're focusing on the tar sands since we have a crucial window of opportunity to defuse this carbon bomb–but we're still charging ahead towards Moving Planet, the HUGE global day of action on September 24th. On that day, communities around the world will join together to move beyond fossil fuels–from tar sands and coal and oil to bikes, wind power, and solar energy. If you haven't yet gotten involved, you can find or start an event in your community today.
DeChristopher gets 2 years, $10K fine for botching federal auction – Salt Lake City Tribune
Activist gets 2 years prison for thwarting auction