You may have noticed a new button on our website recently called “people” – this indicates different constituencies that are really taking the lead to spread the 350 number in their networks.  Few other constituencies are really taking off like artists – if you hadn’t yet noticed, is a highly visually-oriented campaign.  The simple, 3-digit number that translates across borders lends itself well to artistic interpretation – just check out the beginnings of the Art Gallery to see what artists have contributed so far.  And think about contributing yourself!

But don’t just keep the artistic expression on the internet – think about how you can incorporate art into your action for October 24th (or leading up to your event) to get people thinking, and to inspire further action.  Already we’re hearing about all kinds of interesting actions that are utilizing various forms of art to get the message out.  In Bogota, Colombia, youth activists are utilizing street theatre to get people thinking, by holding mock debates about Copenhagen on the public buses.  In San Francisco, October 24th participants will also ride public transit, known as BART, carrying hand-painted banners for their action – in other words, “Art on the BART”.  From New York City to Mongolia, people are creating giant canvass cubes to paint on, that represent the volume of CO2 in one gallon of gasoline.  Throughout the world, organizers are planning aerial art – forming words and images with their bodies to send a message to the media, and to the world. 

There are a million ways to take this number, and this issue that faces our planet, and to make it real to people through artistic expression – think about what makes sense in your community and what might get people thinking differently. Let your creativity run wild!  And let us know what you come up with.

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