October 3, 2018 Fishing community in Kenyan UNESCO heritage site opposes giant coal plant The proposed coal plant could displace up to 120,000 people and disrupt delicate marine environment threatened by climate change. Kenyan civil society is up in...
October 3, 2018 As California climate impacts intensify, fossil fuel extraction still widespread Thousands of oil and gas drilling wells pollute poor and vulnerable communities. Governor Brown has a last chance to leave behind a strong climate legacy...
October 3, 2018 Wave of renewable energy resistance puts solar panels in path of tar sands pipeline Troubled Keystone XL pipeline, rejected by Obama and resuscitated by Trump, finds fierce opposition from indigenous communities, landowners and farmers supporting the SolarXL project.
October 3, 2018 Vulnerable Louisiana wetlands and poor communities threatened by giant oil pipeline Water protectors face harsh police response to protect communities from pollution, as rural and coastal areas face increasingly extreme weather.