The United States government may be dragging its feet on national climate action, but cities across the U.S. are stepping up to the plate and "getting to work" on climate solutions. Today, we got the news that Berkeley, CA passed a resolution endorsing the goal of lowering C02 levels to 350 ppm! That's great news for all of us — and especially for Berkeley residents like this 2nd grader from Berkwood Hedge School in Berkeley:

The Berkeley Daily Planet reports:
Berkeley became the second city in the U.S. after Richmond, Calif. to recognize 350 PPM as the recommended carbon dioxide level based on scientific research. City Officials said that the resolution would help Berkeley reach its climate action goals. At first Councilmember Gordon Wozniak said he had some concerns about the resolution mainly because it might cost the city a lot of money, but then the council moved the agenda item and it was approved unanimously. So far, about 112 countries have adopted the same CO2 goal.
Many thanks to all of our friends in Berkeley who made this possible. has one of its largest offices in Berkeley last year, so it's nice that our "hometown" has become such a big supporter of the campaign!
We're also excited about some news from Takoma Park, MD on the other side of the US. The city council there just passed a $15 million “carbon tax” designed to show that other counties and cities can – and should – move forward against coal in the wake of federal gridlock on global warming. The tax will apply to only one entity in the county: the 850 megawatt coal-fired power plant just 40 miles from the U.S. Capitol.
“With this heroic vote in the D.C. suburbs today, the coal lobby might want to prepare for local actions across the country,” said MikeTidwell, director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, long time friends of “Local power-plant taxes are legal and now necessary given the success of the coal industry in watering down and delaying real action on coal pollution in Congress.”
It's great to see cities across the US getting to work on climate solutions. What is your city planning for the Global Work Party this 10/10/10?