This is an update and press release from Art Gardenswartz and Akilah Sanders-Reed, two of the lead organizers of the big Cut Carbon Rally at the Albuquerque Academy in New Mexico on 10/10/10. If you live in the area, be sure to check out this event—it's going to be a big one!
On Sunday, October 10, 2010 everyone is invited to attend this free event starting at 12 noon at Albuquerque Academy, Simms Auditorium. 400 people are expected to attend, part of global ‘work parties’ in 2,500 cities worldwide. The event marks the continuation of a movement to reduce CO2 below 350 parts per million in our atmosphere.
1. Attend the rally and learn the latest planet facts
2. Get 'tools' to assess and improve our personal footprints
3. Action ideas that will mobilize us to get a national and state energy policy
Schedule of Events:
Get the latest facts via video-statement from founder and our country’s leading environmentalist Bill McKibben. New Mexico’s leading expert Dr. John Fogerty will tell how climate change is affecting New Mexico and how we have the opportunity in our state to lead a charge for change. Learn from Senator Jeff Bingaman about the new energy bill before the Senate to mandate renewables at 15%.
There’s going to be lots of positive energy at this event. Music, poetry from Native Americans, and the chairman of Youth Against Global Warming are scheduled.
What Attendees Get:
Specific tools to assess our personal footprint and tools to improve our individual impact. Albuquerque Academy is a leading example of ‘new ideas’ in sustainability. Action plans that help ‘the movement’ toward national and state policy to increase our incentive on renewables. Everyone that self-powers to the event by walking, carpooling, running or biking gets a free water bottle.
If you live in or near Albuquerque and want to attend this event, contact Art Gardenswartz on the event action page: