I challenge any other contemporary movement to match the creativity of the climate movement. There, I said it. For one thing, more creativity is always good. The real reason, though, is that there are amazing climate activists like Daniel Dancer producing incredible art like the hawk there on right (and larger below).
You may remember Daniel's mind-blowing work from our Earth 350 global art exhibition last year. He designed and organized an enormous (and beautiful) 350 elephant in New Delhi, India. This time around he worked with elementary school kids in his home state of Kansas to create a giant red-tailed hawk. Kids from Baldwin City Intermediate Center made up the coloring of the hawk's tail and the detail of the hawk's feathers.
As a creative ambassador for the climate movement, Daniel has repeatedly gone above and beyond (no pun intended). He regularly includes a "350" in his work and in the Topeka Capital-Journal article about the hawk piece, he made sure to talk about what 350ppm means for our planetary future.
Thank you, Daniel, for your leadership in making this movement beautiful and breathtaking. See more of his work at https://www.artforthesky.com