
That special time of the month has come, when all the divest victories are listed in this blog.

From across the globe we’ve taken the sum, and no where near can all of them we log.

The list is unquantifiable and vast, the victories hale from all around.

And this is only from this January past, just think of what new victories now abound.

To make it all easier a bit, we’ve put a few wins into quick tweets.

In 140 characters they’ll fit, but we’re taking down the fossil fuel industry so hold onto your seats!

5 Global Campus Divestment Updates

  1. USA: January 14, 2015

    3rd in the state of Vermont, @goddardcollege passed the test. A greener future it wants and so it chose to divest! https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/13/goddard-college-divestment_n_6461992.html

  2. UK: January 20, 2015

    Fossil fuels they attest, so @uniofbeds is UK’s number 2. Their students lead them to divest, next up will be who? https://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/news/bedfordshire-joins-glasgow-in-fossil-fuel-commitment/2018033.article

  3. USA: January 6, 2015

    CalArts starts 2015 right, divesting from fossil fuel stock. May more be in sight & all FF investments go on lock https://www.hometownstation.com/santa-clarita-news/arts-and-entertainment/calarts-to-reduce-fossil-fuels-redistribute-3-6-million-117274

  4. USA: January 27, 2015

    Coal investment is on the out, & U of Maine agrees! Divestment is what it’s all about, now go fossil free! https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/28/university-of-maine-coal_n_6558630.html

  5. SWEDEN: January 22, 2015

    Chalmers U makes history, by choosing to divest. They are the 1st Swedish U that’s fossil free, & that is the best. https://gofossilfree.org/swedish-university-to-divest/


BONUS: One to watch for in the coming months…

USA: January 22, 2015

U of Hawaii has a task, for a FF divestment vote. Saving the planet is the ask, by jumping on the fossil free boat. https://www.hawaii.edu/news/2015/01/22/university-task-group-to-study-divesting-uh-of-fossil-fuel-investments/


5 Global Community Updates

  1. AUSTRALIA: January 27, 2015

    Marrickville Councillors made a vow, $15 million from FF gotta go. We say “WOW,” for challenging the status quo.   https://350.org.au/blog/marrickville-council-to-offload-fossil-fuel-investments/

  1. USA: January 22, 2015

    The United Methodist Church has faith, that it’s time to divest. Coal investments are a waste, & we should protest! https://www.fossilfreeumc.org/blog/2015/1/22/fossil-free-umc-commends-gbophb-decision-to-screen-coal-from-investments

  2. GLOBAL: January 15, 2015

    @pontifix said mankind “slapped nature in the face.” So here is a plan. Divest FF your grace, and let’s redeem man https://www.newrepublic.com/article/120782/pope-francis-vatican-should-divest-coal-oil-companies

  1. GLOBAL: January 28, 2015

     2,000+ folks across world, watch #GDD #Webworkshop w/@naomi klein. W/divestment unfurled, Feb 13/14 will be divine! https://gofossilfree.org/europe/watch/

  1. GLOBAL: January 30, 2015

    Hundreds of events dot the map, for Global Divestment Day. Everywhere a carbon cap, by divesting fossil fuels away! https://gofossilfree.org/divestment-day/

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