On Tuesday, our 350.org team in San Francisco had the pleasure of hearing a speech by Dr. Vandana Shiva. Dr. Shiva is a physicist, ecologist, and activist, well known throughout the world for her work on matters of food, soil, climate change, and water. But to break up those issues takes away from Dr. Shiva’s core message: we must solve our great challenges by deriving solutions at their roots. That is why her organization, Navdanya, not only educates people, but also saves indigenous seeds, preserving natural abundance.

Our good friends at the International Forum on Globalization sponsored her talk at a Congregational Church in Berkeley, which also served as a launch event for the U.S. office of Navdanya international. We are pleased to count Dr. Shiva as one of our 350 messengers, and look forward to working with her on the road ahead.

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