Get ready for some awesome news!

The New York Times Green Inc. Blog just shared a report by 8 leading economists that concludes that getting back to 350 parts per million won’t hurt the economy.

"Some economists have become known for advocating only slow and modest responses to climate change, lest the costs of mitigation become too large. This report demonstrates that such conclusions are incorrect. A number of economic analyses, informed by recent scientific findings and using reasonable assumptions, suggest that more ambitious targets and quicker action make good economic sense."

The article also mentions James Hansen, a Messenger and director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who has been calling for world leaders to aim for a 350 ppm target as we approach the next major global climate treaty to be drafted in Copenhagen in December.

We know that the number 350 makes sense for people and the planet. 350 is the number in parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that humanity needs to get back to as soon as possible to ensure a safe, sustainable climate future. It’s what author Bill McKibben describes as the most important number on Earth. It’s why thousands of organizers are organizing over 1700 actions in over 130 countries on Oct. 24th – the International Day of Climate Action.

The authors of the report, members of the Economics for Equity and the Environment Network, echo the recent 350 endorsement by the world’s foremost climate economist, Sir Nicholas Stern, who said that not only does getting to 350 make sense for the environment & humanity – it makes economic sense, too. We’re at one the biggest moments in history where we can both ensure a safer climate and a safer economy. So, what are we waiting for?

For us, it’s vindicating to see the world’s leading economists spreading the word of 350 – but what really made our fingers tingle is seeing the 350 logo in the New York Times!  (at least the online version)! This means we’re all doing our job getting the word out – It means your hard work is paying off. Congratulations on reaching this milestone, it’s worth celebrating! It also gives us a taste of what’s to come …

On Oct. 24th, expect us to turn the media on its head – all of us will make sure that we get 350 into newspapers and on TV everywhere – a message world leaders can’t ignore.

If you’re not already registered, sign up to join an event near you on Oct. 24th. Don’t see one? It’s not too late to start organizing in your town! The 9-step organizing plan can help you get started!

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