This week, over 450 public financial institutions are at the Finance in Common Summit to discuss COVID recovery, and the climate crisis. These institutions control trillions of dollars in public money, and they continue pouring our money into dirty fossil fuel projects. 

We have an opportunity to change that. If hundreds of us take over the official summit hashtag with tweets asking for an end to fossil fuel finance, it will affect their public image, their media coverage, and could push them to start seriously acting on the climate crisis. 

Click on the flags below to tweet at major public financial institutions around the world. Let's make sure they hear from us!


  • If you have time, please take the time to also craft an original tweet.
  • If your country isn’t represented here, feel free to pick any region and send a tweet.

Why is this important?

The Finance in Common Summit comes at a critical point in time, as governments are deploying historic levels of additional public finance in response to COVID-19 and in the lead up to COP26.  Together, these finance institutions control flows of more than USD 2 trillion in public money annually.

The climate crisis is here, but public financial institutions are still planning to support the expansion of fossil fuel production by pouring billions in the most polluting companies.They should have stopped financing climate criminals a long time ago – they need to commit to end fossil finance by 2021 at the latest. 

We have learned from our allies that the official statements being drafted by these institutions do not give concrete plans to put an end to fossil fuel finance. This is why it’s important for us to put visible pressure by Tweeting at them using the summit hashtags.

It’s our money, what they are doing with it determines our lives and our future.


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