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It’s time! You have been hearing about the preparations for our Power Up events in the last couple of months, and now they are just around the corner!
Starting this week, people around the world will come together to power up climate solutions that work for people, communities and nature. And at, we’re honored and excited to lift up and connect their voices worldwide!
Power Up was initially planned to happen on November 3-4, 2023. However, acknowledging now is also a time of immense violence and grief, and in solidarity with all the people impacted, we have decided to pace our Power Up events and spread the actions over a month – from November 3 to December 9, 2023.
Throughout November, we will be taking action in towns and cities across the globe to spotlight the oil industry’s greed and reclaim the money to fund a just and peaceful future powered by the sun and the wind. And on December 9, when world leaders meet at the UN’s Climate Summit, we will bring the energy of our month-long series of events to the heart of COP28.
I’m really excited about the people power that is already emanating from these events around the world, and I plan to attend an action myself, right here in South Africa. I’m rolling up my sleeves, closing my laptop and joining a dynamic community passionate about climate solutions in Gauteng on Saturday. Wherever you are, you too can join an event or organize one! And if you cannot join in person, there’s also plenty you can do online.
Come with us and Power Up! Lending your time and energy into this cause matters.
Why don’t you join our Fossil Free mailing list for all the latest stories on climate organizing from around the world? Stories that matter. Campaigns that inspire. All delivered directly to you every month!
In Case You Missed It
Sparking Renewable Energy
All around the world, people have already been gearing up for Power Up for Climate Solutions! And we’re excited to showcase some of those actions for you today – both as a reminder that no matter where you are in the world, you can play a part, and to inspire you take action with us! Here are some highlights:
In the Philippines, 360 students and teachers joined forces to champion community-led renewable energy solutions:

Our friends in Aotearoa (New Zealand) staged their action in front of the Parliament in Wellington, complete with bicycle-powered smoothies:

In Fiji, local communities were joined by activists from Australia, Aotearoa (New Zealand), and the US for a three-day training session about solutions to the climate crisis, and shared tools and resources needed for Power Up:

And in Benin, activists have been raising awareness, recruiting supporters, and tapping into their creativity to prepare for upcoming actions:

All these actions serve as a warm up to our global days of action! Join us, you too, to power up the renewable energy revolution!
People Power Prevails – a moment to celebrate the StopEACOP campaign!

At the Copenhagen People Power Conference hosted by ActionAid Denmark, the StopEACOP proudly received the inaugural People Power Award for its incredible grassroots efforts despite challenges such as government intimidation and violence.
Their coordinated global actions also led to banks and insurance companies withdrawing their support. The campaign’s dedication to amplifying community voices has fostered an inclusive climate movement that opposes the pipeline due to its negative impact on climate goals and human rights.
Congratulations to the StopEACOP team for the fantastic achievement! 🎉👏
The World Bank actually answered us
On October 10, 2023, we managed to get the attention of the new President of the World Bank, Ajay Banga. We presented our 40,000 signature petition at the institutions’ Townhall, in partnership with Big Shift Global, who were on the scene ready to ask questions.
We managed to sneak in a question about climate change and fossil fuels, to which he responded by briefly touching on the direct financing from the World Bank for fossil fuels in comparison to their renewable energy investments: “we invest in fossil fuels, yes. We invested 170 million in direct fossil fuels last year, out of a 120 billion that the Bank committed. The investment was in natural gas, where there is a pathway to transition from that… All we are trying to do is reduce the investment in fossil fuels. We have not invested in a coal plant directly since 2010, for example.”
While it may not be the perfect answer, it marks progress – just last year, the bank was led by a climate change denialist.
There’s hope, and it’s essential to continue pushing for change!
One to Watch
The key is to encourage our politicians to craft the right policies that’ll pave the way for a greener, more sustainable life.
Our partners at the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty gave us some insights into why we should unite, steer climate policies, and make those big fossil fuel players take responsibility for the climate havoc they’ve caused.
All of this is in preparation for the upcoming United National Climate Change Conference climate, COP28, where activists are getting ready to rally for urgent climate action.
Use Your Power
We haven’t been talking about it that much yet, but the UN Climate Summit (COP28) is just around the corner. And during the conference, we will bring our movement’s voices loud and clear to the corridors of power.
We will counter lobbyists’ influence with a huge show of people power, and will demand world leaders to move at the speed that we need to keep on track with the 1.5C goal. We want them to:
- Ensure justice and fairness for all
- Triple renewable energy by 2030
- Protect nature and our environment
Sign our call for a 100% renewable energy system and a rapid end to coal, oil, and gas.
Remember the last time we talked about our website’s Resources section to help you gear up for Power Up?
Well, we are about to dive headfirst into the art of change! Our freshly revamped Arts Toolkit and Artwork are bursting with incredible pieces from artists across the globe, each painting a vivid picture of their vision of a just future – one fueled by clean and fair renewable energy.
These artworks aren’t just for admiring: they’re your creative fuel. Whether you’re crafting posters, rocking T-shirts, hosting lively pop-up shows, or more, let’s embark on an artistic journey that’ll take your Power Up event soaring to new heights! Get ready to paint the town green and make a power impact
- Earth close to ‘risk tipping points’ that will damage our ability to deal with climate crisis, warns UN
- Tensions soar over new fund for climate ‘loss and damage’ ahead of COP28
Quote of the month
“Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson