heads in HIIt’s pretty clear that on climate change, Tony Abbott’s head is well and truly buried in the sand. To appropriately salute the sheer mindlessness of Australia’s Prime Minister as world leaders gather for the G20 in Brisbane, hundreds of people did something extraordinary today. Absurd? Inconceivable? A bit crazy? Yes, but that’s exactly what Tony Abbott is being when ignoring the biggest issue of our time: climate change. At iconic Bondi Beach today, hundreds of Australians joined me and a group of organisers in burying their own heads in the sand in unison!

And although we’re still waiting for the official ruling from Guinness, there’s a good chance we may have had more than 650 of us to establish a new world record: most number of people burying their heads in the sand simultaneously!

Why did I organise this event? As a solar PV entrepreneur frustrated by our government’s shortsightedness with regards to all things renewable energy, I am embarrassed and disheartened that Australia is taking no action to address the most significant global issue of our time. With the Abbott Government determined to thwart the renewable energy industry and address climate change with pronouncements like “coal is good for humanity”, I felt it was not only time to speak out, but that hundreds of Australians would want to join me in the effort.

I was inspired by the photo of 80 people in Townsville with their heads in the sand and bottoms in the air captioned “Townsville Salutes…the Australian Government for its achievements in combating climate change” as part of the recent People’s Climate Mobilisation. Creative, funny and spot on!

With world leaders arriving for the G20 Summit in Brisbane, a heads in the sand event seemed a great way to let the world know that most Australian’s don’t agree with our Government’s inaction and think we should join the global effort reduce emissions, stop new fossil fuel projects and ramp up renewable energy.

As images of the event make their way around world tonight, the message to Tony Abbott and his Government will be as clear as the opinion of 97% of world’s climate scientists — this is what we think of your inaction on climate change!

With the announcement yesterday that the US and China are committed to working together to reduce emissions and with our event at – and in! — Bondi Beach, it’s clear that intelligent climate action is an absolute must if we are to restore our planet sooner rather than never. A huge salute to the hundreds who joined in today to send that message!

Eden Tehan, organiser

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