A messsage from Sophie Baumert, a student divestment organiser from Glasgow Uni Climate Action society:

Over the last year, we have been campaigning for the university to divest its money from the main cause of climate change – fossil fuel companies. Glasgow uni holds investments in the fossil fuel industry worth about £18 million. The profits made by our uni from an industry which is leading us towards a climate crisis are unethical.

After a year of hard work the University Court will finally make its decision on divestment this Wednesday. It is the most important, far-reaching decision that it has faced in decades. They will either vote for a stable future and sustainable planet, or to profit from wrecking the climate.Glasgow protest

We are having a demo this Tuesday (7th October) to let the student body know about what is going on and put pressure on the university.

Please flood the University of Glasgow with tweets NOW. Let the university know that everyone’s watching them and that they cannot make a decision behind closed doors.

<img class="CToWUd" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=3065aa7de3&view=fimg&th=148e5c5b5e5d504c&attid=0.1&disp=emb&attbid=ANGjdJ_ksOaXSbEE8aTYpRCUXIcb8TQfoAgyefdJ-Qdkw3suR9wux5n5wEPF720DmQxUePO4SyJ3OFL1GbKztS2l9wWK8dDhOAsmjFBrT9sxMuuG2ikEYMbfts5H3f4&sz=-w1600-h1000&ats=1412604215342&rm=148e5c5b5e5d504c&zw&atsh=1" alt="Tweet: .@GlasgowUni Stop
funding climate change, divest from fossil fuels #UGfossilfree
#UofGworldchangers ” width=”15″ height=”15″ />
Stop funding climate change, divest from fossil fuels
<img class="CToWUd" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=3065aa7de3&view=fimg&th=148e5c5b5e5d504c&attid=0.1&disp=emb&attbid=ANGjdJ9qJ15FI64eLnb-u6EvGiG2udPRuUdqxykAr1vpkY0-ukxOv85632FrgDSlPyvheXJJeCwoGLMMqKgv6ysBfjkvlmmqTk8hTYj5Eizy4ZBSxzMa-KL_qc6yc-E&sz=-w1600-h1000&ats=1412604215342&rm=148e5c5b5e5d504c&zw&atsh=1" alt="Tweet: Over £18 million
invested in coal, oil and gas not acceptable for a “green”
institution? Divest! #UGfossilfree #UofGworldchangers ” width=”15″ height=”15″ />
Over £18 million invested in coal, oil and gas not acceptable for a “green” institution?
<img class="CToWUd" src="https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=3065aa7de3&view=fimg&th=148e5c5b5e5d504c&attid=0.1&disp=emb&attbid=ANGjdJ9_k_FnFR9nSP9DevT5M9siD5I4pBzUeMiFVNqSOFFWy3MR9ekrv4RVf7LDfMOED6MSlILKYE7x82O-Kul1uTUfSxzWy1-C32_ajo-zZEp_lTiIqzj8ck7iCs4&sz=-w1600-h1000&ats=1412604215342&rm=148e5c5b5e5d504c&zw&atsh=1" alt="Tweet: .@GlasgowUni Our
endowment, our future. Stop investing in fossil fuels.
#UGfossilfree #UofGworldchangers ” width=”15″ height=”15″ />
Our endowment, our future. Stop investing in fossil fuels.

Next time you hear from us it will be with good news.

For more climate movement news, follow 350 on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
